About Anna Hanael
Las Vegas Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master
After years of living in an abusive relationship, fulfilling everybody else’s expectations and not knowing who I was or what I wanted, I realized that the strongest tool to change my life was my mind. I became fascinated by the mind and started changing my beliefs which led me to changing my emotions and behaviors. I overcame shame and guilt, learned to speak up for myself and set my boundaries. I became confident with who I am and what I want. I (left that relationship behind) and created the most amazing and fulfilling life for myself. My life is all I ever dreamt about. I have a loving supportive husband, fulfilling career and live in harmony with who I am.
I was born in communist Poland. I am the last generation raised and educated in a communistic system that was limiting our freedom. Poland also at that time was 98% Catholic and the only country behind the Iron Curtain where religion was allowed. Two profound experiences shaped me very early in my life.
When I was 9 years old, the car hit me on the walkway. Everybody thought I should be dead but I landed gently on the street 100 feet away. I was carried on the wings of my guardian angels fully showing themselves to me.
Second experience was my exposure to Hatta Yoga. I was a very curious reader and one day my librarian lent me a book “Hatha Yoga”. At that time yoga was forbidden in Poland. I practices breathing exercises and at the age of eleven I experienced the most profound out-of-body sensation. As I left my body I was floating wherever I wanted to go. At that moment I knew that there is so much more out there for us and that we are so much more that the religion is teaching us. My dream was to open people’s minds and start using the power they have.
But life took me in a different direction. At the time of the political system change, I needed to support my family, so I started to work in the brand new private sector. I gained a bachelor degree in Business Administration and Accounting and I open my own CPA office. I was very successful in business until I met my first husband in the USA. I closed my business and moved to the USA. Once I settled here for good, things started to turn in a very bad way. He turned out to be emotionally abusive alcoholic and as my marriage was getting worse, I felt lonely, betrayed and lost. I realized that I was living the life that fulfills everybody else’s expectations. I didn’t know who I was and what I wanted. I was filled with shame and guilt, insecure and always serving others.
I began to pray and ask for guidance. On Thanksgiving 1997, my Reiki Master Nina Wojciechowska walked into my house for dinner. The whole energy of the room changed. I felt peace and love from the women I’ve never seen before. I knew that whatever she does, I want to do it too. And so I began the training to become a Reiki practitioner in the traditional school of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. I received my initiations for Reiki level I and II in 2000, and since then I haven’t stopped practicing Reiki. She taught me how to meditate and communicate with the angels and spirits. She taught me how to change my subconscious mind and use my mind to manifest what I want. I realized that the biggest power we have is our mind.
My Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Master Nina Wojciechowska
Once I changed the negative thoughts into positive, released negative habits and emotions, my life started to change. As a result of my devoted practice, I changed. I learned who I am and what I want. I learned to speak up for myself, set the boundaries, gain courage and deep seeded confidence (not just the one I had before how to do my job, but the one that let’s me make my own decisions). Guided by my master, angels and other spiritual guides, I learned how to manifest with the power of the mind. In 2007, I received Master initiation. Shortly after I divorced my first husband.
I found hypnotherapy and fell in love with the modality. I graduated from the HMI College of Hypnotherapy as a certified hypnotherapist specializing in Inner Child Therapy, Past Life Regression and Mental Therapeutic Imagery.
Further training in association with Stanford University allowed me to complete a comprehensive health management leadership program.
In 2011, I opened The Healing Oasis and started to work with everybody who wants a better life for themselves.
In 2016, I was accepted by Phyllis Lei Furumoto – Grand Master of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho as her spiritual lineage barer. My heart was singing when I realized that my practice resembles Hawayo Takata practice.
I advanced my practice by trainings with Doreen Virtue. Radleigh Valentine, Brian Weiss and other spiritual leaders.
Expanding my energy work with Seraphim Blueprint modality took me all the way to becoming a Guardian Of Gaia. Working with such advanced energies allows me to elminate emotional struggle by bringing deep inner peace to me and my clients.
In 2018, I was awarded the Silver Winner in Alternative Therapies of the Best of Las Vegas Review Journal. The winners were voted by clients and my competitors were the companies even with 80 therapists, I won and I can only say: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is an honor and privilege to be able to help. Thank you.”
As of today, I created the most amazing and fulfilling life for myself. My life is all I ever dreamt about. I have a loving supportive husband, fulfilling career and live in harmony with who I am. And if I did it, you can do it too because we all have the same tool: OUR MIND.
My passion is to bringing people into the fullness of a healthier and happier life. Over the years, I have successfully guided many clients out of their own personal darkness and into the light of their true selve. Filled with confidence, courage and clear mind/vision for themslevs they create lives they alwasy dream about.
“Anna is truly an amazingly graced angel! Whether you work with her for Reiki healing, angel readings, or hypnotherapy, etc., you are involved with someone extremely evolved, enlightened, educated, and employing extraordinary abilities! In the very short time we have worked together, I have begun utilizing different modalities to help transform my life, and help heal myself physically, mentally, emotionally as well as spiritually.” -Marjorie L.
“Not only the founder and guiding force behind The Healing Oasis, ANNA HANAEL has established herself as the leading figure here in Nevada when it comes to Self-Alignment of the body, mind and spirit. By using multiple healing techniques in combination, be they state-of-the-art methods practiced here in the West or the ancient healing practices of the Far East, Ms. Hanael has successfully honed her multiple skills to the point that The Healing Oasis has become the undisputed leader in successful client treatment and client satisfaction.”