Usually my blogs are the articles that are giving all of you more information about the services I do. But today it’s going to be different blog. Today it’s going to be my story on past life regression.

Three months ago we went for a trip to Disneyland. We planned the trip for a long time and I was looking forward to have fun. And I had fun like never before in my life. I let myself completely lose like a child that runs and have fun without thinking about anything including having a jacket or being completely wet after some rides.

After the trip I got sick, upper respiratory infection. That type of sickness is also very well known to me. I had in my childhood at least hundred times. This time though it proved to be a very serious infection impacting my lungs, breathing, my voice and sinuses.  It started with 104 F fever and few days in bed and then I got well… for two days. And it knocked me down back to bad in no time. I lost my voice- barely could whisper and the pain in my throat was unbelievable.

Having no ability to work or even desire to do anything serious I decided to give myself past life regression. For some time I heard my inner voice telling me “it’s time for a new discovery”.

And there I was, a ten years old running in the jungle. My name was Magu and I was the biggest mischief in my village. I was the one who invented and organize crazy trips to the jungle, always full of life and energy, never worrying about anything nor even planning. I saw the village, my parents, and my friends. I was happy, care free and fearless. I knew a lot about the jungle and animals living there. It was fun to be him, running and yelling. So innocent. And then I transitioned to the day of my death – I was ten years old. I was carried, still alive to my village. My throat, my whole neck on front was ripped open. Blood was running, my eyes were open and the only thought on my mind was that I never told my parents how much I love them and I’m not sorry to die. We all knew that our soul is connected to the spirit and that is not the only life to live. The scene was pretty bloody and as I saw my parent faces filled with tears and sorrow as I drifted into the beautiful white light. No fear there. Just knowing. Just love. Being that light, I started to wonder… what is my lesson to learn here? I do tell people how much I love them. I do prize and appreciate people in my life. I’ve learned that years ago. So what is the lesson to learn here? I drifted back floating above. And then it occur to me: I was fearless and free enjoying my advantageous life in the jungle and a s a result of that I died. The fear set in and created a new condition: every time I let myself lose I will die!!! So I never let myself lose, truly crazy free as I did on my last trip to Disneyland. Now I can do it. I can be free and frivolous, scream and take rides like never before. The connection is broken, is healed. Past conditioning has no longer grip on me. Th next trip to Disneyland was even more fun and I was healthy after.

That is exactly how past life regression works. Once you experience previous conditioning you will have it removed, painlessly and surely. New possibilities will open in your life and you will move forward. So give yourself a gift of moving forward and removing some obstacles once and forever.

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